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Search York Museums Trust
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Archaeology (21229 items)
Biology (14282 items)
Costume and Textiles (15468 items)
Decorative Arts (11082 items)
Fine Art (15733 items)
Geology (34048 items)
Library (3 items)
Military History (6838 items)
Numismatics (23388 items)
Photographs (5902 items)
Social History (29774 items)
Object Name
.303inch Bren light machine gun magazine (1 items)
.303inch Bren light machine gun magazine chest MKI (1 items)
.303inch Bren light machine gun MKI (2 items)
.303inch Bren light machine gun MKI cleaning brush (1 items)
.303inch Bren light machine gun MKI cleaning rod (1 items)
.303inch Bren light machine gun pull through (1 items)
.303inch Bren light machine gun spare barrel (1 items)
.303inch Bren light machine gun spare parts wallet (1 items)
.303inch light machine gun MKI* (1 items)
.303inch Vickers machine gun (1 items)
.410inch shotgun rifle No. 4 MKI (1 items)
.455inch pistol No. 1 MKI (1 items)
.455inch revolver (1 items)
101 Logistics Brigade badge (1 items)
15th Foot Glengarry badge (1 items)
19th Foot Glengarry badge (1 items)
19th foot officer's belt buckle (1 items)
19th foot officer's full dress belt buckle (1 items)
27mm Leuchtpistole (1 items)
3rd West York Militia Officer's shoulder belt plate (1 items)
50 Division uniform (1 items)
66mm LAW (1 items)
7.62mm NATO cartridge clip (1 items)
7.92mm BESA machine gun (1 items)
7.92mm Mauser cartridge case (1 items)
7mm Mauser cartridge (2 items)
9mm Sten machine carbine MKII (1 items)
9mm Sten machine carbine MKIII (1 items)
Advertisement (1 items)
Advertisement leaflet (1 items)
Aimpoint sight (1 items)
Air cartridge revolver (1 items)
Air mail letter (1 items)
Air pistol (7 items)
Air raid precautions booklet (12 items)
Air raid precautions helmet (5 items)
Air raid precautions helmet MKII (6 items)
Air raid precautions helmet No. 2c MKII (1 items)
Air raid precautions leaflet (15 items)
Air raid precautions training certificate (1 items)
Air raid warden's report form (1 items)
Air rifle (10 items)
Air rifle cane (2 items)
Air rifle pump (1 items)
Aircraft identification booklet (1 items)
Airgun (12 items)
Airgun pump (2 items)
Airline refreshing tissue (1 items)
Airship (1 items)
AKM bayonet (1 items)
Alarm gun (2 items)
Ammunition box (1 items)
Ammunition container (25 items)
Ammunition pouch (11 items)
Ammunition tin (1 items)
Anaesthetic (1 items)
Ankle boot (3 items)
Anklet (2 items)
Anklet 1937 pattern (8 items)
Antibiotic (1 items)
Anti-dimming cloth (1 items)
Anti-dimming composition (1 items)
Anti-gas air lock demonstration invitation (1 items)
Anti-gas eyeshield (4 items)
Anti-gas eyeshield cover (1 items)
Anti-tank weapon (4 items)
Anti-zeppelin dart (1 items)
AR15 Armalite rifle (1 items)
Arab flintlock musket (1 items)
Arisaka type 38 rifle 6.5mm (1 items)
Arm band (6 items)
Arm guard (17 items)
Armour (1 items)
Armour plate (1 items)
Armourer's tool (1 items)
Army & Navy Stores .22in rifle (1 items)
Army arm band (1 items)
Army greatcoat (1 items)
Army gun rack (1 items)
Army kitbag (1 items)
Army Officer's Shirt (1 items)
Army Service Corps Officer's sword (1 items)
Army shirt (1 items)
Arrow (1 items)
Artillery carbine 1853 pattern (2 items)
Artillery Officer's sword (2 items)
Artillery Officer's sword belt (1 items)
Artillery rifle 1853 pattern (2 items)
Artillery Volunteer Officer's shoulder belt plate (1 items)
Artillery Volunteer Officer's sword (3 items)
Assault rifle (3 items)
Assembly instructions (1 items)
Attachment (1 items)
Attestation certificate (2 items)
Automatic pistol (18 items)
Automatic pistol holster (1 items)
Automatic pistol, .455 inch, Mk I (1 items)
Automatic shotgun (1 items)
Auxiliary Fire Service overalls (1 items)
Auxilliary Territorial Service holdall (1 items)
Axe (1 items)
Baby's gas mask (3 items)
Baby's protective helmet C3 (3 items)
Baby's respirator (3 items)
Back action percussion rifle (1 items)
Backplate (39 items)
Backsword (7 items)
Badge (51 items)
Bag (9 items)
Baker rifle final pattern (1 items)
Baker rifle sword bayonet (1 items)
Baker rifle trade pattern (1 items)
Balaclava (1 items)
Ballistic vest (5 items)
Band sergeant's full dress tunic (1 items)
Bandage (1 items)
Bandolier (9 items)
Bandolier 1903 pattern (2 items)
Bandsman's sword (10 items)
Banner pole (1 items)
Barrel sash (14 items)
Basket hilted backsword (1 items)
Basket hilted sword (110 items)
Baton round (1 items)
Battle honour (1 items)
Battledress blouse (6 items)
Battledress blouse 1939 pattern (3 items)
Battledress blouse 1946 pattern (1 items)
Battledress blouse 1949 pattern (6 items)
Battledress blouse 1951 pattern (2 items)
Battledress blouse Auxiliary Territorial Service pattern (1 items)
Battledress blouse civil defence pattern (1 items)
Battledress Blouse Indian pattern (1 items)
Battledress skirt 1951 pattern (1 items)
Battledress trousers (4 items)
Battledress trousers 1939 pattern (1 items)
Battledress trousers 1949 pattern (6 items)
Battledress trousers civil defence pattern (1 items)
Battledress Trousers Indian pattern (1 items)
Battledress tunic (1 items)
Bat-wing spear (1 items)
Bayonet (71 items)
Bayonet 1842 pattern (1 items)
Bayonet 1844 pattern for musket 1942 pattern (1 items)
Bayonet 1853 pattern (5 items)
Bayonet 1856 pattern (2 items)
Bayonet 1856/1858 pattern (9 items)
Bayonet 1863 pattern (2 items)
Bayonet 1876 pattern (3 items)
Bayonet 1879 pattern (2 items)
Bayonet 1907 pattern (11 items)
Bayonet 1913 pattern (4 items)
Bayonet for percussion carbine (1 items)
Bayonet frog (8 items)
Bayonet frog 1908 pattern (3 items)
Bayonet frog 1937 pattern (4 items)
Bayonet frog 1940 pattern (2 items)
Bayonet M7 for M16 rifle (copy) (1 items)
Bayonet Mark 4 1887 pattern (1 items)
Bayonet MKI 1888 pattern (2 items)
Bayonet MKII 1887 pattern (1 items)
Bayonet MKII 1888 pattern (2 items)
Bayonet No. 4 MKI1* (1 items)
Bayonet No. 7 MKI/1 (1 items)
Bayonet scabbard 1856 pattern (6 items)
Bayonet scabbard 1907 pattern (5 items)
Bayonet scabbard Mark 1 1888 pattern (1 items)
Bayonet scabbard MKII 1907 (1 items)
Bayonet training manual (1 items)
Bead (2 items)
Bedding (1 items)
Belgium identity disc (1 items)
Bell mouthed flintlock pistol (3 items)
Belsen Concentration Camp pass (1 items)
Belt (69 items)
Belt 1903 pattern (1 items)
Belt 1908 pattern (2 items)
Belt 1914 pattern (2 items)
Belt 1937 pattern (4 items)
Belt 1937 pattern economy version (1 items)
Belt 1944 pattern (1 items)
Belt buckle (11 items)
Belt pistol ammunition pouch, Sam Browne (5 items)
Belt pistol holster, Sam Browne (6 items)
Belt pouch (3 items)
Belt sword frog strap, Sam Browne (1 items)
Belt sword frog, Sam Browne (19 items)
Berdan II rifle (1 items)
Beret (18 items)
Beretta 92SB 9mm pistol (1 items)
Beretta M1934 9mm (1 items)
Bible (3 items)
Bicorne (21 items)
Bicorne hat tin (1 items)
Bicycle helmet (1 items)
Bill (12 items)
Binocular case (1 items)
Binocular case 1944 pattern (1 items)
Binocular strap (1 items)
Binoculars (2 items)
Bird gun (3 items)
Birthday postcard (2 items)
Biscuit (1 items)
Black and white print (10 items)
Black bill (1 items)
Blazer (1 items)
Blouse (3 items)
Blouse Auxiliary Territorial Service pattern (1 items)
Blow lamp (3 items)
Blue patrol jacket (1 items)
Boar spear (2 items)
Boarding pike (2 items)
Boater (1 items)
Body armour (18 items)
Boiler suit (2 items)
Bolt action rifle (5 items)
Bolt action shotgun (1 items)
Bomb (7 items)
Bonnet (1 items)
Book (63 items)
Booklet (16 items)
Boonie hat (1 items)
Boot (25 items)
Boot polish (1 items)
Boot tin (1 items)
Bootlace (1 items)
Bore gauge (1 items)
Bore viewer (2 items)
Box (4 items)
Boxlock blunderbuss pistol (2 items)
Boxlock percussion pistol (11 items)
Boxlock pistol (7 items)
Boxlock pocket pistol (23 items)
Brace 1937 pattern (3 items)
Brace attachment (3 items)
Brace attachment 1937 pattern (4 items)
Braces (2 items)
Braid (17 items)
Branding iron (1 items)
Breastplate (44 items)
Breech loading carbine (10 items)
Breech loading rifle (8 items)
Breech loading short rifle (1 items)
Breech loading shotgun (1 items)
Breeches (15 items)
Breeches, Yorkshire Hussars (1 items)
Bridle (2 items)
Bridle boss badge (1 items)
Broadsword (51 items)
Brodie's helmet (1 items)
Brown Bess musket (26 items)
Brownie Autographic No. 2 camera (1 items)
Browning concours match pistol .22in (1 items)
Browning GP35 pistol (3 items)
Browning Hi Power pistol (1 items)
Browning hi power pistol MKI (2 items)
Browning M1919A4 machine gun (1 items)
Brunswick rifle (1 items)
BSA airsporter air rifle, .22in (1 items)
BSA Century rifle, .22in (1 items)
BSA improved model D air rifle (1 items)
BSA Martini International .22in (1 items)
Bucket (1 items)
Buckle (3 items)
Buff coat (1 items)
Building plan (1 items)
Bullet (103 items)
Bullet case (40 items)
Bullet clip (19 items)
Bullet mould (34 items)
Bullet proof vest (6 items)
Bunting (1 items)
Burnisher (1 items)
Busby (17 items)
Busby bag (1 items)
Bush hat (3 items)
Bush jacket (1 items)
Business card (2 items)
Button (19 items)
Button brush (1 items)
Button stick (1 items)
C96 Mauser holster (1 items)
Cabasset (5 items)
Cable reel (1 items)
Cadet beret (1 items)
Caffein tablet (1 items)
Calisher & Terry's carbine (4 items)
Call up paper (1 items)
Camouflage face cream (1 items)
Camouflage field dressing (2 items)
Camouflage helmet MK4 (1 items)
Camouflage net (1 items)
Camp bath (2 items)
Camp bed (2 items)
Camp chair (3 items)
Camp overalls, FANY (1 items)
Camp washbasin (2 items)
Campaign medal ribbon (1 items)
Camping plate (1 items)
Camping stove (1 items)
Can opener (1 items)
Candle (2 items)
Cannon (3 items)
Cannon ball (7 items)
Cannon barrelled holster pistol (3 items)
Cannon barrelled pistol (3 items)
Cap (15 items)
Cap badge (3 items)
Cap band (3 items)
Cap comforter (2 items)
Cap cords (2 items)
Cap cover (9 items)
Cap lines (24 items)
Cap tally (3 items)
Cape (8 items)
Cape carbine (1 items)
Captive bolt gun (1 items)
Carbine (7 items)
Carbine bayonet (3 items)
Card (2 items)
Carriage lamp (1 items)
Cartoon booklet (4 items)
Cartouche box (2 items)
Cartridge box (30 items)
Cartridge case (2 items)
Cartridge case, .300/06 inch (1 items)
Cartridge case, .303 inch (2 items)
Cartridge case, .455 inch (7 items)
Cartridge case, .455inch (7 items)
Cartridge making tool (10 items)
Cartridge reloading tool (8 items)
Cartridge revolver (1 items)
Cartridge shotgun (18 items)
Cartridge wadding (1 items)
Cartridge, .300/06 inch (17 items)
Cartridge, .303 inch (16 items)
Cartridge, .380 inch (6 items)
Cartridge, .455 inch (16 items)
Cartridge, 7.62mm NATO (5 items)
Cartridge, 7.92mm Mauser (1 items)
Cartridge, 9mm Parabellum (10 items)
Cavalry carbine (7 items)
Cavalry equipment bandolier (1 items)
Cavalry Full Dress Overalls (1 items)
Cavalry helmet (5 items)
Cavalry Officer's coat (1 items)
Cavalry officer's full dress belt (1 items)
Cavalry Officer's sword (25 items)
Cavalry Officer's Sword 1912 pattern (3 items)
Cavalry pistol (2 items)
Cavalry pistol 1839 pattern (1 items)
Cavalry Sabre 1840 pattern (1 items)
Cavalry spur (39 items)
Cavalry sword (83 items)
Cavalry sword 1822 pattern (1 items)
Cavalry sword 1853 pattern (4 items)
Cavalry sword 1855 pattern (1 items)
Cavalry sword 1885 pattern (3 items)
Cavalry sword 1908 pattern (3 items)
Cavalry Trooper's Sword pre 1788 (1 items)
Cavalry trumpet (1 items)
Cavalryman's full dress gauntlet (2 items)
Certificate (19 items)
Chain mail coif (1 items)
Chapka (5 items)
Charcoal water filter (1 items)
Chassepot rifle 1866 (2 items)
Chassepot rifle bayonet (1 items)
Chassepot shotgun (1 items)
Chausses (2 items)
Cheque book (1 items)
Chest (10 items)
Chief constable's sword (2 items)
Child's certificate (2 items)
Child's gas mask (2 items)
Child's shotgun (1 items)
Chilli sauce (1 items)
Chin strap (2 items)
Chocolate (2 items)
Chocolate tin (8 items)
Christmas card (51 items)
Christmas gift tin (12 items)
Christmas gift writing set (1 items)
Christmas postcard (4 items)
Cigarette card (1 items)
Cigarette lighter (1 items)
Cigarette roller (1 items)
Cigarette tin (3 items)
City of York Sword Bearer's sword (1 items)
Civil court sword (1 items)
Civil defence leaflet (13 items)
Civil pattern court sword (10 items)
Claidheam mor (17 items)
Clamp (1 items)
Cleaning equipment (1 items)
Cleaning rod (4 items)
Cloak (1 items)
Close helmet (25 items)
Clothes brush (2 items)
Clothing book (3 items)
Clothing certificate (1 items)
Club (2 items)
Coat (29 items)
Coat button (1 items)
Coatee (10 items)
Coatee, Local Militia Officer (2 items)
Codein tablet (1 items)
Coin (1 items)
Collar (4 items)
Colonial flintlock pistol (1 items)
Colour print (1 items)
Colours case (3 items)
Colt Army model revolver (1 items)
Colt Deringer number 3 (4 items)
Colt M1911A1 automatic pistol (1 items)
Colt M1911A1 automatic pistol holster (1 items)
Colt Navy model revolver (2 items)
Colt Navy revolver holster (1 items)
Colt Peacemaker (1 items)
Colt pocket pistol (2 items)
Colt revolver model P1870 (1 items)
Colt self loading pistol M1911 .455 inch Ely (1 items)
Colt single action army revolver (1 items)
Column (1 items)
Comb morion (9 items)
Combat boot (1 items)
Combat helmet (2 items)
Combat helmet MK6 (1 items)
Combat jacket (9 items)
Combination knife-pistol (1 items)
Commemorative handkerchief (10 items)
Commemorative headscarf (1 items)
Compass (4 items)
Compass case 1944 pattern (1 items)
Compasses (1 items)
Computer punched card (1 items)
Concealed revolver holster (2 items)
Concealed weapon (3 items)
Concert programme (2 items)
Conduct record sheet (1 items)
Consular sword (1 items)
Continental pocket pistol (1 items)
Cooking spoon (2 items)
Corseque (2 items)
Courseque (1 items)
Court sword (31 items)
Coveralls (1 items)
Crab-claw hilt sword (1 items)
Credit certificate (1 items)
Crimping tool (1 items)
Cross (1 items)
Cross belt (5 items)
Cross belt plate (17 items)
Cross belt pouch (6 items)
Cross spring style powder flask (1 items)
Cross strap 1908 pattern (2 items)
Cross strap 1914 pattern (2 items)
Crossbow bolt (2 items)
Cruet (domestic) (1 items)
Cuirassier's armour (8 items)
Cuirassier's helmet (1 items)
Cuisse (2 items)
Culet (3 items)
Cup (1 items)
Cup-hilt rapier (8 items)
Cut throat razor (1 items)
Cutlass (16 items)
Cutlass 1833 pattern (1 items)
Cutlass 1845 pattern (3 items)
Cutlass 1848 pattern (1 items)
Cutlass 1870 pattern (2 items)
Cyclist battalion officer's shoulder belt plate (1 items)
Cylinder (1 items)
Dagger (10 items)
Daisy spittin' image model 94 BB air rifle (1 items)
Dart (3 items)
Death certificate (2 items)
Deed box (1 items)
Defence medal certificate (2 items)
Demobilisation document (1 items)
Denison smock 2nd pattern (1 items)
Deputy Lord Lieutenant's full dress tunic (1 items)
Deputy Lord Lieutenant's sword (6 items)
Deputy Lord Lieutenant's sword sling (1 items)
Deputy Lord Lieutenant's uniform (1 items)
Deutscher Volkssturm arm band (1 items)
Diarrhoea tablet (1 items)
Diary (5 items)
Dirk (10 items)
Disc (1 items)
Discharge certificate (3 items)
Discharge papers (6 items)
Discus grenade (1 items)
Dispatch case (2 items)
Dispatch pouch (1 items)
Dispersal certificate (1 items)
Disruptive pattern material cap (1 items)
Divisional arm badge (1 items)
Document (10 items)
Doglock blunderbuss (2 items)
Doglock flintlock pistol (1 items)
Doglock musket (1 items)
Doglock pistol (1 items)
Double barrelled boxlock pistol (6 items)
Double barrelled flintlock shotgun (1 items)
Double barrelled hammer pistol (3 items)
Double barrelled percussion pistol (3 items)
Double barrelled pinfire shotgun (1 items)
Double barrelled rifle (2 items)
Double barrelled shotgun (28 items)
Double barrelled turnover pocket pistol (2 items)
Double headed axe (1 items)
Dragoon carbine 1796 pattern (1 items)
Dragoon holster pistol (2 items)
Dragoon pattern pistol (3 items)
Drawers (1 items)
Drawing (1 items)
Dress bayonet (1 items)
Dress belt (1 items)
Dress boot (1 items)
Dress cap (4 items)
Dress coat (1 items)
Dress jacket (1 items)
Dress jacket, No. 1 (1 items)
Dress skirt (1 items)
Dress spur (4 items)
Dress sword (3 items)
Dreyse automatic pistol (1 items)
Dreyse M.1841 rifle (1 items)
Dreyse M.1854 rifle (1 items)
Dreyse M.1862 rifle (1 items)
Drill manual (1 items)
Drill purpose rifle (1 items)
Drill round (45 items)
Drilling rifle (1 items)
Drum magazine (1 items)
Duckfoot pistol (1 items)
Duelling pistol (1 items)
Duke of Wellington's regiment volunteer officer's belt buckle (1 items)
Dummy rifle (2 items)
Duty card (1 items)
Ear protectors (1 items)
Earplugs (2 items)
East India Company flintlock pistol (1 items)
East Riding regiment Glengarry badge (1 items)
East Riding Yeomanry full dress jacket (2 items)
East Riding Yeomanry full dress trousers (1 items)
East Riding Yeomanry sword (1 items)
East Yorkshire militia officer's shoulder belt plate (1 items)
Easter card (2 items)
Easter postcard (2 items)
Education certificate (1 items)
Eierhandgranaten (1 items)
Einheitzmutz (2 items)
Elbow pad (1 items)
Electric hand lamp (1 items)
Elephant (1 items)
Embroidered picture (1 items)
Embroidered postcard (19 items)
Embroidery (1 items)
Emery cloth (1 items)
Employment certificate (3 items)
Enfield .38in pistol cleaning rod (1 items)
Enfield .38in pistol No. 2 MK1 (2 items)
Enfield cutlass bayonet 1859 pattern (1 items)
Enfield rifle bayonet (2 items)
Enfield rifle pattern 1853 (2 items)
Enfield rifle pattern 1853 (fourth model) (1 items)
Enfield rifle pattern 1853 (second model) (1 items)
Enfield rifle pattern 1853 (third model) (1 items)
Enfield rifle sword bayonet (3 items)
Enfield short rifle 1856 pattern (5 items)
Enfield short rifle 1858 pattern (2 items)
Enfield short rifle No. 2 1856 pattern (2 items)
Engineer's gauge (1 items)
Engineer's spanner (2 items)
Engraving (15 items)
Ensign (1 items)
Entrenching implement 1882 pattern (1 items)
Envelope (9 items)
Envelope re-sealer (1 items)
Epaulette (3 items)
Ephemera (1 items)
Equipment (1 items)
Equipment brush (1 items)
Equipment stamp (1 items)
Eraser (1 items)
Evacuation certificate (2 items)
Evacuation leaflet (3 items)
Examination result (1 items)
Exemption certificate (3 items)
Exercise book (9 items)
Expedition compass (2 items)
External hammer shotgun (1 items)
Face protector (1 items)
Face veil (1 items)
Fairbairn Sykes fighting knife (3 items)
Fairburn Sykes fghting knife scabbard (2 items)
Feinwerkbau 177 model. 300S air rifle (1 items)
Feldkanone 16 gunsight (1 items)
Feldmutz (1 items)
Ferrule (1 items)
Field boot (3 items)
Field cap (1 items)
Field cooker (1 items)
Field dressing (2 items)
Field service cap (12 items)
Field service cap Auxiliary Territorial Service pattern (1 items)
Field service postcard (1 items)
Fingerless mitten (2 items)
Fire fighting manual (2 items)
First aid certificate (3 items)
First aid kit (5 items)
First aid leaflet (2 items)
First aid pouch (1 items)
First field dressing (7 items)
First model Luftwaffe dagger (1 items)
Fishing lure (1 items)
Flag (7 items)
Flag chart (1 items)
Flare pistol (4 items)
Flare pistol cartridge (2 items)
Flash glove (1 items)
Flash hood (1 items)
Fleece (1 items)
Flintlock blunderbuss pistol (2 items)
Flintlock boxlock pistol (5 items)
Flintlock carbine (13 items)
Flintlock carbine (converted to percussion) (1 items)
Flintlock carbine Yeomanry pattern (1 items)
Flintlock cavalry pistol (6 items)
Flintlock coach pistol (2 items)
Flintlock dragoon pistol (1 items)
Flintlock fusil (6 items)
Flintlock gun (19 items)
Flintlock holster pistol (38 items)
Flintlock musket (12 items)
Flintlock musket (converted to percussion) (1 items)
Flintlock musket 1815 model (1 items)
Flintlock pistol (27 items)
Flintlock pistol 1796 pattern (2 items)
Flintlock pistol holster (1 items)
Flintlock pocket pistol (4 items)
Flintlock rifle (4 items)
Flintlock service pistol (8 items)
Flintlock shotgun (3 items)
Flintlock shotgun (converted to percussion) (3 items)
Flintlock sporting gun (10 items)
Flintlock sporting gun (converted to percussion) (1 items)
Flintlock tinderbox (1 items)
Fly swat (1 items)
Flying boot (1 items)
Flying dress tunic (1 items)
FN Browning Model 1910 automatic pistol (1 items)
FN Browning Model 1910/22 automatic pistol (1 items)
FN Browning Model 1922 automatic pistol (1 items)
Folding bath (2 items)
Folding bed (1 items)
Folding chair (1 items)
Folding knife (4 items)
Folding lantern (2 items)
Folding saw (2 items)
Folding washbasin (2 items)
Food information leaflet (1 items)
Forage cap (86 items)
Foreign service helmet (2 items)
Fork (tool) (1 items)
Fork (utensil) (2 items)
Fork (weapon) (1 items)
Form (16 items)
Formation badge (2 items)
Four barrelled boxlock pistol (1 items)
Four barrelled Deringer style pistol (1 items)
Four barrelled flintlock pistol (1 items)
Four barrelled Lancaster style pistol (1 items)
Fowling gun (14 items)
Frock (5 items)
Frock coat (12 items)
Frog (1 items)
Fuel can (1 items)
Full dress belt (1 items)
Full dress belt buckle (2 items)
Full dress coat, Staff Officer (1 items)
Full dress coatee, Deputy Lord Lieutenant (1 items)
Full dress coatee, Lord Lieutenant (1 items)
Full dress coatee, Deputy Lord Lieutenant (1 items)
Full dress frock coat, Deputy Lord Lieutenant (1 items)
Full dress jacket (7 items)
Full dress jacket cavalry pattern (4 items)
Full dress jacket, Deputy Lord Lieutenant (1 items)
Full dress jacket, Lord Lieutenant (1 items)
Full dress overalls (8 items)
Full dress overalls cavalry pattern (1 items)
Full dress overalls, Lord Lieutenant (1 items)
Full dress overalls, Deputy Lord Lieutenant (1 items)
Full dress sabretache (3 items)
Full dress trousers (9 items)
Full dress trousers, Lord Lieutenant (1 items)
Full dress tunic (4 items)
Full dress tunic 1881 pattern (2 items)
Full dress tunic 1902 pattern (5 items)
Full dress tunic cavalry pattern (1 items)
Full dress tunic Rifle Volunteers pattern (2 items)
Full dress tunic, Deputy Lord Lieutenant (1 items)
Fund raising handkerchief (1 items)
Fuse pistol, Mk III (1 items)
Gaiter (11 items)
Galand revolver (1 items)
Game pistol (1 items)
Gas cartridge pistol (1 items)
Gas detector sheet (1 items)
Gas hood (1 items)
Gas mask (30 items)
Gas mask bag (5 items)
Gas mask box (2 items)
Gas mask lens protector (1 items)
Gas mask strap (1 items)
Gas mask tin (7 items)
Gas mask training leaflet (1 items)
Gas warfare manual (2 items)
Gauntlet (20 items)
General and staff officer's sword 1845 pattern (1 items)
General Officer's bicorne (1 items)
General Officer's cocked hat plume (1 items)
General Officer's Frock Coat (2 items)
General Officer's full dress tunic 1871 pattern (1 items)
General Officer's full dress tunic 1881 pattern (1 items)
General officer's overalls 1856 pattern (1 items)
General Officer's Serge Frock Jacket (1 items)
General officer's shoulder sash (1 items)
General officer's sword 1831 pattern (8 items)
General officer's tunic (1 items)
General service belt buckle (1 items)
George boot (1 items)
Gew. 1888 commission rifle (2 items)
Gew. M.1888/14 carbine (1 items)
Gibbs-Farquharson underlever rifle (1 items)
Gift tin (2 items)
Glaive (2 items)
Glengarry (2 items)
Glengarry badge (4 items)
Glove (21 items)
Glow stick (1 items)
Goggles (4 items)
Gorget (19 items)
Governor's sword (1 items)
Greatcoat (29 items)
Greatcoat strap (3 items)
Green Howards Glengarry badge (1 items)
Green Howards officer's belt buckle (1 items)
Green Howards officer's full dress belt buckle (1 items)
Green Howards officer's mess jacket (1 items)
Green Howards uniform (1 items)
Greener Martini .22in rifle (1 items)
Greene's carbine (2 items)
Greetings card (3 items)
Grenade launcher (2 items)
Grooming tool (1 items)
Groundsheet (2 items)
Groundsheet cape (3 items)
Guidon (1 items)
Guisarme (2 items)
Gun (1 items)
Gun bag (1 items)
Gun cleaning kit (1 items)
Gun rack (1 items)
Gun wadding (2 items)
Gun, Lewis, .303inch (1 items)
Gunflint (29 items)
Gunner's halberd (1 items)
Gunsight (2 items)
Gunsight adjusting tool (2 items)
Gunsight box (2 items)
Gurkha uniform (1 items)
Halberd (51 items)
Half pike (2 items)
Halifax volunteers infantry badge (1 items)
Hammerless revolver (1 items)
Hammerli model 208 target pistol (1 items)
Hammerli model 280 target pistol (1 items)
Hammock (1 items)
Hammock bag (2 items)
Hand and a half sword (4 items)
Hand grenade (8 items)
Hand grenade No. 1 MKIII (1 items)
Hand grenade no. 36, sectionalised (1 items)
Hand grenade No. 5 MkI (2 items)
Hand Grenade No.2 (2 items)
Hand Grenade No.5, body (1 items)
Hand wipe (1 items)
Handbook (1 items)
Handkerchief (7 items)
Handle (1 items)
Hanger (29 items)
Harmonica (1 items)
Harness (2 items)
Harness buckle (1 items)
Harness facelet nuclear, biological and chemical L1A1 (1 items)
Harqubusier armour (2 items)
Harquebusier's helmet (1 items)
Harrington & Richardson .32 safety hammerless revolver (1 items)
Harrington & Richardson model 1905 revolver .32in (1 items)
Hat (4 items)
Hat band (1 items)
Haversack (2 items)
Haversack 1944 pattern (1 items)
Head (1 items)
Heavy Cavalry helmet Albert pattern (1 items)
Heavy Cavalry helmet plume Albert pattern (1 items)
Heavy Cavalry Officer's Dress sword 1796 pattern (6 items)
Heavy Cavalry Officer's Dress sword Life Guard pattern (5 items)
Heavy Cavalry Officer's sword (4 items)
Heavy Cavalry Officer's Sword 1796 pattern (2 items)
Heavy Cavalry Officer's Sword Household Cavalry 1814 pattern (1 items)
Heavy Cavalry Officer's Sword Household Cavalry pattern (1 items)
Heavy Cavalry Officer's Sword pre 1788 (3 items)
Heavy Cavalry Officer's Sword, Household Cavalry State Sword (2 items)
Heavy Cavalry Officer's Undress sword 1821 pattern (6 items)
Heavy Cavalry sword (4 items)
Heavy Cavalry sword 1796 pattern (4 items)
Heavy Cavalry sword 1822 pattern (1 items)
Heavy Cavalry Sword Household Cavalry pattern (3 items)
Heavy Cavalry Sword pre 1788 (3 items)
Heavy Cavalry Trooper's sword (19 items)
Heavy Cavalry Trooper's Sword 1788 pattern (2 items)
Heavy Cavalry Troopers sword 1796 pattern (2 items)
Heavy Cavalry Trooper's Sword Household Cavalry pattern (3 items)
Heckler & Koch P9S 9mm pistol (1 items)
Helmet (42 items)
Helmet cover (4 items)
Helmet liner (3 items)
Helmet liner MK IV (1 items)
Helmet MK4 (2 items)
Helmet MKII (2 items)
Helmet MKIV (1 items)
Helmet No. 2c MKII (1 items)
Helmet respirator (1 items)
Helmet tin (1 items)
Helmet, Mk I (5 items)
Hessian boot (7 items)
Hexamine solid fuel cooker (2 items)
Highland Regiments Officer's Sword (1 items)
Highland Regiments Sword 1796 pattern (6 items)
Highland Regiments Sword 1863 pattern (2 items)
HK MP5A3SF (1 items)
Holdall (2 items)
Holster (16 items)
Holster 1958 pattern (1 items)
Home Guard certificate (1 items)
Home Guard rifle (4 items)
Home service helmet (2 items)
Horn (1 items)
Horn pocket flask (6 items)
Horse furniture badge (1 items)
Horseman's armour (4 items)
Horse's gas mask (1 items)
Horsley double barrelled hammer gun (1 items)
Hose (1 items)
Hospital respirator (1 items)
Hounslow sword (5 items)
Household Cavalry Officer's Dress Sword (1 items)
Household Cavalry Dress Sword 1814 pattern (1 items)
Household Cavalry State Sword 1874 pattern (2 items)
Housewife (1 items)
Humane killer (2 items)
Hunting hanger (9 items)
Hunting horn (3 items)
Hunting rifle (1 items)
Hymn book (1 items)
Identification certificate (1 items)
Identitiy disc (1 items)
Identity card (4 items)
Identity disc (9 items)
Identity tag (3 items)
Imperial Yeomanry tunic (1 items)
Inclinometer (1 items)
Indentity certificate (1 items)
Indian horseman's axe (1 items)
Indian pattern musket (3 items)
Infantry armour (2 items)
Infantry equipment bandolier (1 items)
Infantry Equipment Bayonet Frog 1860 pattern (1 items)
Infantry Equipment Bayonet Frog 1871 pattern (1 items)
Infantry equipment bayonet frog 1888 pattern (4 items)
Infantry equipment belt 1871 pattern (1 items)
Infantry equipment belt 1882 pattern (1 items)
Infantry equipment belt 1888 pattern (7 items)
Infantry equipment belt buckle 1888 pattern (1 items)
Infantry equipment belt volunteer pattern (1 items)
Infantry equipment pouch 1882 pattern (1 items)
Infantry equipment pouch 1888 pattern (1 items)
Infantry hanger (21 items)
Infantry Non-Commissioned Officer's sword 1796 pattern (1 items)
Infantry of the line full dress trousers (1 items)
Infantry Officer's shoulder belt plate (1 items)
Infantry Officer's Shoulder Sash (1 items)
Infantry Officer's sword (12 items)
Infantry Officer's sword 1786 pattern (10 items)
Infantry Officer's sword 1796 pattern (19 items)
Infantry Officer's sword 1822 pattern (3 items)
Infantry Officer's sword 1845 pattern (17 items)
Infantry Officer's sword 1892 pattern (2 items)
Infantry Officer's sword 1895 pattern (6 items)
Infantry Officer's sword 1897 pattern (6 items)
Infantry Officer's sword belt (1 items)
Infantry Officer's Sword East India Company 1845 pattern (1 items)
Infantry Officer's sword Royal Welsh Fusiliers 1822 pattern (1 items)
Infantry Sergeant's sword 1786 pattern (1 items)
Infantry sword (12 items)
Information leaflet (1 items)
Insect repellent (1 items)
Invitation (4 items)
Invoice (1 items)
Irish charger (1 items)
Islamic sword (1 items)
Jacket (170 items)
Jacket, No. 1 dress (20 items)
Jacket, patrol dress (18 items)
Johnson 1941model (1 items)
Journal (1 items)
Jug (1 items)
Jumper (2 items)
Jungle Green Battledress Blouse (1 items)
Jungle Green Battledress Trousers (1 items)
Jungle jacket (1 items)
Jurek free target pistol (1 items)
Kalashnikov assault rifle (1 items)
Kalashnikov bayonet (1 items)
Katara (1 items)
Katzbalger (1 items)
Kettle (1 items)
Kevlar armour (1 items)
Khaki drill jacket (1 items)
Khaki serge cloth (1 items)
Khaki skirt, 1951 pattern (1 items)
Kitbag (8 items)
Knee breeches (2 items)
Knee pad (1 items)
Knee protector (3 items)
Knicklicht (1 items)
Knife (6 items)
Knife (utensil) (1 items)
Knife sharpener (1 items)
Knife sheath (3 items)
Knightly sword (2 items)
Kris (1 items)
Kugelhandgranate (1 items)
Kukri (3 items)
L1A3 bayonet (1 items)
L1A3 bayonet scabbard (1 items)
L2A3 SMG Sight Adjusting Tool (1 items)
Label (2 items)
Lancaster Four Barrelled Pistol (1 items)
Lance (5 items)
Lance shoe (1 items)
Lanchester 9mm submachine gun MKI (1 items)
Lanchester SMG (1 items)
Land Army hat (1 items)
Landsknecht sword (6 items)
Language test paper (1 items)
Lantern (1 items)
Lanyard (6 items)
Lapel badge (2 items)
Large pack 1908 pattern (3 items)
Large pack 1937 pattern (3 items)
Last (1 items)
Law book (1 items)
Lead ball (44 items)
Lead cutting sword (2 items)
Leaflet (20 items)
Leg defence (4 items)
Legging (3 items)
Letter (53 items)
Leuchtpistole (1 items)
Levee sword (1 items)
Liberator Pistol .45" (1 items)
Life Guard Trooper's Sword (3 items)
Lifebelt (1 items)
Light Cavalry Officer's sword (1 items)
Light Cavalry Officer's sword 1821 pattern (30 items)
Light Cavalry sword 1796 pattern (35 items)
Light Cavalry sword 1821 pattern (5 items)
Light Dragoon Cavalry pistol (7 items)
Light Dragoon Officer's Sword pre 1788 (1 items)
Light Dragoon pattern pistol (10 items)
Light Dragoon style pistol (3 items)
Light Dragoon Sword pre 1788 (1 items)
Light infantry musket (1 items)
Lightweight combat trousers disruptive pattern material (1 items)
Lineman's belt (1 items)
Linstock (2 items)
Lithograph (1 items)
Lobster pott helmet (8 items)
Local militia drum (1 items)
Local militia jacket (1 items)
Local Militia officer's gorget (1 items)
Local militia officer's jacket (2 items)
Local Militia Officer's shoulder belt plate (5 items)
Long johns (2 items)
Long knife (1 items)
66 Group Royal Engineers (1 items)
ABL (1 items)
Accles & Shelvoke Limted (1 items)
Acme (1 items)
Adams Patent Small Arms Company (1 items)
Adams, R. (1 items)
Aertex (1 items)
Aiala, Thomas (1 items)
Aimpoint (1 items)
Akrill, E. (1 items)
Akrill, Esau (1 items)
Albion Limted (1 items)
Alkit (3 items)
Alley (1 items)
American Arms Company (1 items)
Ames & Company (1 items)
Anderson, Alan (7 items)
Anderson, R.W. and Sons (19 items)
Anderson, Robert (1 items)
Anderson, William and Sons Limted (2 items)
Andertons & Auster (1 items)
Andre & Company (2 items)
Andrews (3 items)
Annakin, C. (1 items)
Archer (1 items)
Ardath Tobacco Company Limited (1 items)
Arizmendi, Farncisco (1 items)
Army and Navy Co-operative Society Limited (2 items)
Army Map Service (3 items)
Arunfabs Limited (1 items)
Ash, James (1 items)
Associated Newspapers Limited (1 items)
Astin Brothers Limited (1 items)
Atkinson, J.A. (1 items)
Atkinson, T.L. (1 items)
Atlanta (1 items)
Ayala, Tomas (1 items)
Ayres and Smith Limited (1 items)
B & H (1 items)
B.E. Company Limited (1 items)
B.M.B. (1 items)
Bacon, G.W. & Company Limited (1 items)
Baily and Woods (1 items)
Bairnsfather, Bruce (3 items)
Baker, E. (1 items)
Baker, F.P. & Company Limted (1 items)
Baldwin (2 items)
Balk (2 items)
Ball and Co. (1 items)
Ballistic Protection Systems Europe Limited (1 items)
Balzer (1 items)
Bamforth & Company Limited (1 items)
Banner (2 items)
Barbar (7 items)
Barisoni (1 items)
Barker, Arthur Limited (1 items)
Barnett (3 items)
Barnett, Thomas (3 items)
Bartley & Sons (4 items)
Barton Gibbs Company, The (1 items)
Bartram & Co. (3 items)
Bartram, W. (2 items)
Bata (2 items)
Bate, Thomas (1 items)
Bateman & Company (1 items)
Bates (2 items)
Battie (1 items)
Baverdt, Arnoldt (1 items)
BCB International Limted (1 items)
Beal, Josh., & Sons (1 items)
Beck, R. & Beck, J. Limited (1 items)
Beecham Proprietaries (1 items)
Beever, James and Co. Limted. (1 items)
Ben Johnson & Company Limited (2 items)
Bennet Safetywear Limted (1 items)
Bennet, Eric (1 items)
Beretta, Pietro (2 items)
Berkell (1 items)
Berton, Arthur Limited (1 items)
Berwald, H. & Company (1 items)
Bicknell and Moore (1 items)
Birch, J. & Sons Limited (1 items)
Birmingham Small Arms (12 items)
Black Cat Minstrels (1 items)
Blackham (3 items)
Blackie and Son Limited (1 items)
Blair & Lea (2 items)
Bland, T. & Sons (2 items)
Blissett, T. (1 items)
Blissett, Thomas (1 items)
Bloom, B., Limited (2 items)
Board of Trade (2 items)
Bond, W. (1 items)
Bonehill, C.G. (2 items)
Bousfield, R. and Son (1 items)
Bowyer, R. (2 items)
Brabender, Heinrich (1 items)
Brach, Arnolt (1 items)
Brach, Jacob (1 items)
Bradford Food Control Committee (1 items)
Braithwaite (1 items)
Brand Partnership Limited (1 items)
Brander & Potts (1 items)
Brazier (1 items)
Breffit, W (1 items)
Breton et Cie (1 items)
Brettle's (1 items)
British Aiways (1 items)
British Army in Macedonia (1 items)
British Broadcasting Corporation (1 items)
British Government (1 items)
British Legion (1 items)
Brook, Shirley and Son (1 items)
Brooks, J.B., & Co (1 items)
Brown and Son (2 items)
Brown, Son and Long (1 items)
Browning (Herstal) (6 items)
Browning (United States) (1 items)
Brunn (1 items)
BSG (1 items)
Buckmaster (1 items)
Bumford, J. (1 items)
Burroughs, Wellcome & Company (1 items)
Burton, Montague (1 items)
Butler, Lady (2 items)
Bycroft, I. (1 items)
Bystander, The (2 items)
C. Mac L. & Company (1 items)
C.A. & Co. Limted. (1 items)
CA & Co. (1 items)
Caddell, T. (1 items)
Cadman, T.R., & Sons (2 items)
Calisher & Terry (4 items)
Callwell, J.M. (1 items)
Calvert (1 items)
Cambridge University Press (1 items)
Camelbak (1 items)
Camtech (1 items)
Carrington, E. (1 items)
Carter & Company (1 items)
Catcheside Cameracraft (1 items)
Cater & Co (1 items)
Cater & Company (11 items)
Cater and Sons (1 items)
Caters (1 items)
Charles Lancaster Company (1 items)
Charleville (1 items)
Chatellaraut (1 items)
Cheradame, Andre (1 items)
Christys (2 items)
City of York Civil Defence (2 items)
City of York Council (1 items)
City of York Food Control Committee (4 items)
Clarence Clothing Co. Limted. (1 items)
Clark (1 items)
Clarke, R.S. (1 items)
Clarke, S. (1 items)
Clowes, W. and Sons, Limited (2 items)
Coats, J & P (1 items)
Cocksedge, Henry (1 items)
Cogswell & Harrison Limted (1 items)
Colembes, B. (2 items)
Coles, E. & Co. (1 items)
Coles, E. & Company (1 items)
Collett, J. Limited (1 items)
Collins, James (2 items)
Collumbell (3 items)
Colt (4 items)
Colt Firearms Company (4 items)
Colt, S. (London) (3 items)
Colt, S. (New York) (2 items)
Commando Knitwear Limted (1 items)
Compton Webb (Headdress) (2 items)
Compton, J. and Sons (1 items)
Compton, J. and Sons, Webb Limited (1 items)
Conlowe Limited (1 items)
Cook, Eliza (1 items)
Cooper (1 items)
Co-operative Wholesale Society (1 items)
Cooppal Smokeless Powder Company (1 items)
Cotsmore Limited (1 items)
Courtaulds Aerospace (1 items)
Covenant Publishing Company Limited (2 items)
Craven, Thomas (swordsmith) (1 items)
Crelling and Company (1 items)
Crocket and Jones Limted (1 items)
Cromwell Helmets (1 items)
Crossman Arms Company Inc (1 items)
Cullum, James (1 items)
Curtis & Harvey (2 items)
Cutler, Rooke & Company (1 items)
Cutts, J.P. (1 items)
Daily Mail (1 items)
Daily Mirror (1 items)
Daily Telegraph (1 items)
Daisy (1 items)
Daniels, J. & Company (3 items)
Davies and Son (1 items)
Davies, T. and Son (1 items)
Daw, G.H. (1 items)
Dawes (1 items)
Dawes and Son (1 items)
Dawnay, E.H. (1 items)
Deakin, Francis (2 items)
Deane and Son (1 items)
Deane, Adams & Deane (3 items)
Defence Clothing and Textile Agency (3 items)
Delaney & Wynn (1 items)
Delany (1 items)
Derby Unitex Limted (1 items)
Derwent Manufacturing Limited (1 items)
Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken (9 items)
Devambez (2 items)
Dewhurst (1 items)
Diana (gunsmith) (2 items)
Didisheim, R., Captain (1 items)
Dixon & Son (2 items)
Dixon & Sons (5 items)
Dixon, James & Son (1 items)
Dixon, James and Sons (2 items)
Dorling, H. Taprell (1 items)
Douglas, H., Captain (2 items)
Dowsett, H. M. (1 items)
Draeger (1 items)
Drew, I.(J.) (1 items)
Dreyse (1 items)
Dudley (1 items)
Dumonthier (1 items)
Dunderdale & Mabson (1 items)
E.J. Arnold & Son (1 items)
Eadon (1 items)
East India Company (1 items)
East Riding Yeomanry (4 items)
Ede and Son (3 items)
Edgard and Sons Limited (1 items)
Edgard, H. & Sons Limted (1 items)
Edge, J.W. (1 items)
Edson (1 items)
Edwards (gunsmith) (1 items)
Egg, Charles & Henry (1 items)
Egg, D. (2 items)
Eikhorn (1 items)
Eley, W. and Eley, C. (6 items)
Eli Lilley and Coompany Limted (1 items)
Elliot Brothers & Yeoman Limited (1 items)
Ellis, Havelock (1 items)
Erfurt (2 items)
Everitt, T. (1 items)
Eyre and Spottiswoode Limited (1 items)
Fabrique Nationale (7 items)
Fairburn-Sykes (1 items)
Farrant, Ruth (1 items)
Federal Laboratories Incorporated (1 items)
Feinwerkbau Gmbh (1 items)
Ferrari, Andrea dei (21 items)
Ferris, A.J., B.A. (1 items)
Fichtel & Sachs (1 items)
Field Rifle Company (2 items)
Fieldman, S. & W. & Co. Limted. (1 items)
Firth, Thomas, and Sons Limited (1 items)
Fisher (1 items)
Fisher, Knight and Company (1 items)
Fitzwilliams, D.C.L., Lieutenant Colonel (1 items)
Flack and Smith (2 items)
Flight, F.W. (1 items)
Flights Limited (3 items)
Fosbery, G.V., Col., VC (1 items)
Fownes (1 items)
Fox and company (4 items)
Frank Sammeroff Limited (1 items)
Franks, A.H. (1 items)
Fray, John (2 items)
Frazer and Haughton Limited (1 items)
Frenchs (1 items)
Frith (1 items)
Fry's, J.S. and Sons Limited (2 items)
Fuller (1 items)
G & RE 43 division (1 items)
G and Company (1 items)
G S & S Limted. (1 items)
G.E. (1 items)
Gainsborough Press (1 items)
Galand (1 items)
Gale and Polden Limited (9 items)
Garate Anitwa Y Oia (1 items)
Gaunt, J.R. (3 items)
Gaunt, J.R., and Son (1 items)
Gem Art Company (1 items)
George Newnes Limited (2 items)
German State Arsenal (1 items)
Gibbs, George (1 items)
Gieves Limited (2 items)
Gilbert (1 items)
Gill (7 items)
Gill, I. (1 items)
Glasso (1 items)
Goerz, C.P. (1 items)
Goodwin, George & Company (2 items)
Goodwin, R. (1 items)
Gordon, Adam Lindsay (1 items)
Grant, F., Sir, PRA (1 items)
Grant, W.B. (1 items)
Greene (2 items)
Greener W.W. (1 items)
Greenwood, J. and Company (1 items)
Greenwood, John (1 items)
Griffin, J. & Tow (3 items)
Griffiths (1 items)
Guide Lamp Company (1 items)
H.L. and Company (2 items)
Hachette and Cie, Librairie (2 items)
Hadley (1 items)
Haenel, C.G. & Company (1 items)
Haley & Weller Limted (1 items)
Hall (1 items)
Hall, J. & Son (1 items)
Hall, John and Sons (1 items)
Hamberger, Rogers and Company (1 items)
Hamburger and Rogers (5 items)
Hamburger, Rogers and Co. (1 items)
Hammerli International (2 items)
Hammond, John, and company (1932) Limited (1 items)
Hamper, R. and Son (1 items)
Hanks, Hardy and Company (1 items)
Harbinger (2 items)
Harcourt (1 items)
Harkom, J. (1 items)
Harmer, F.W. and Co. Limted. (1 items)
Harmer, R. W., and Company Limited (1 items)
Harrap & Co (1 items)
Harrington & Richardson Arms Company (2 items)
Harris, L. (1 items)
Harris, L. Limited (1 items)
Harris, S. and P. Limted (1 items)
Harrison and Sons (8 items)
Hart, H. (1 items)
Harvey, Samuel (6 items)
Hassell & Rickards (1 items)
Hather, A. (1 items)
Hauschill, H. (1 items)
Hawkes & Company (42 items)
Hawkes, Mosley and Sons (1 items)
Hawkhead, J. C. (1 items)
Hawksley, G. & Hawksley, J.W. (14 items)
Hazel & Co. (1 items)
Heap, James, Limited (1 items)
Heath, W. (1 items)
Heathcote (1 items)
Hebber (1 items)
Hebbert & Co. Limted. (1 items)
Heberdy (1 items)
Heckler & Koch (2 items)
Helmets Limted (1 items)
Henry Poole & Company (3 items)
Henry Rifled Barrel, Engineering and Small Arms Company (1 items)
Hepburn Gale & Ross Limted (1 items)
Hepworths Limted (1 items)
Her Majesty's Stationery Office (17 items)
Hetherington, John, Junior (1 items)
Heylin (2 items)
Highatt, Frederick (1 items)
Hilhouse and Company (1 items)
Hill (1 items)
Hill Brothers (2 items)
Hilliers (2 items)
Hilliers Couture (1 items)
Hilliers Limited (1 items)
His Majesty's Stationery Office (36 items)
Hobson and Sons (4 items)
Hobson and Sons (Haymarket) (2 items)
Hobson and Sons (Lexington Street) (15 items)
Hobson and Sons (Little Windmill Street) (2 items)
Hobson and Sons (Saint Martin's Lane) (1 items)
Hodder and Stoughton (1 items)
Hodgson & Morgan (1 items)
Hodgson and Morgan (2 items)
Holland, H. (2 items)
Hollis, Isaac & Sons (1 items)
Hooke (1 items)
Hopkins & Allen (1 items)
Horneloe and Clarkson Limted (1 items)
Horsley, Thomas (21 items)
Hotchkiss (1 items)
Houlton and Grant Limited (1 items)
Hounslow (1 items)
Hozer, Jacob (1 items)
Hughes, T. (2 items)
Hull Brewery Company Limited (1 items)
Hulton Press Limited (1 items)
Hulton, F., and Company Limited (1 items)
Hunter (gunsmith) (1 items)
Hutchinson and Company (2 items)
Hyde (1 items)
ID (1 items)
IL (1 items)
Iliffe and Sons Limited (1 items)
Illustrated London News and Sketch Limited (7 items)
Imperial Chemical Industries (5 items)
Imprimerie Girieud (1 items)
Imprimerie Micaux (1 items)
Inglis (2 items)
Ingram, Charles (1 items)
Instituto Geografico De Agostini (2 items)
Irvine, W. and Son (2 items)
Italian State Factory (1 items)
Ithica Arms Company (1 items)
J Compton Sons and Webb Limted (5 items)
J. J. Saint-Omer (1 items)
J. P & S (1 items)
J. Salmon Limted (14 items)
J.B. Johnstone Limited (Dublin) (1 items)
J.B. Johnstone Limited (London) (2 items)
J.H. Steward Limted (3 items)
J.R. Gaunt & Son Ltd (1 items)
J.S. (1 items)
Jackson (1 items)
Jamar, J.H. (1 items)
James and Roberts (1 items)
Jeanes School (1 items)
John Bell & Croyden (1 items)
Johnson, Herbert (7 items)
Johnston, R. (1 items)
Johnstone, J.B. (9 items)
Joiner (1 items)
Jones, E. (1 items)
Jones, J. & Company (1 items)
Jones, W., and Company (1 items)
Jover (1 items)
Joyce (ammunition manufactuer) (1 items)
Joyce, F. (2 items)
Jukes, Coulson & Company (1 items)
Jurek, M.K., Doctor (1 items)
Kalashnikov (1 items)
Kangol Wear Limited (2 items)
Katz, A.H. (2 items)
Keane and Turnbull (1 items)
Keisser, Herman (1 items)
Keliher, Hudson and Kearns Limited (1 items)
Kenning, George (1 items)
Kentucky Fried Chicken (1 items)
Kerner (1 items)
Kerr, James (2 items)
Kershaw, A. and Son (1 items)
Ketland (3 items)
Ketland & Company (17 items)
Ketland, J. & Company (4 items)
Kew, Alfred (1 items)
Kingdom Publishing Department, The (1 items)
Kipling, Rudyard (1 items)
KKK (1 items)
Klingenthal (2 items)
Knilley & Co. (1 items)
Knubley, John (1 items)
Knubley, Benjamin (1 items)
Kodak Limted (1 items)
Koehn, E. (3 items)
Kretzmann, R (1 items)
Kynoch (1 items)
Kynoch & Co. (1 items)
Lacy & Company (6 items)
Landon and Morland (2 items)
Langley and Sons Limited (4 items)
Laurence (1 items)
Laycock (1 items)
Le Deley, E. (14 items)
Lesley & Roberts (1 items)
Lewis, G. (1 items)
Lillywhites Limited (3 items)
Lincoln Bennett and Company (1 items)
Lion Stores (1 items)
Little, Gertrude (1 items)
Liversedge, Charles Frederick (1 items)
Lloyd's News (1 items)
Loakes (1 items)
Lock (1 items)
Lock and Company (1 items)
Lofthouse, C. W. (1 items)
London Armoury Company (5 items)
Long Branch (1 items)
Longmans Green and Company Limited (1 items)
Lord Privy Seal's Office (10 items)
Loughton, A (1 items)
Lowell Arms Company (1 items)
Lucas, Edward & Son (1 items)
Ludw, Lowe & Company (2 items)
Luigi Franchi S.p.A. (1 items)
Luneschloss, F.D. (1 items)
Lyons, Harry (1 items)
M.S. & W. Limted (1 items)
M.W.& S. (2 items)
Mackenzie, E. (1 items)
Mackie and Company, Limited (1 items)
Makindi Mossi, A. (1 items)
Manclark & Son Limted (2 items)
Manfield & Son (2 items)
Manfield, G.H. (3 items)
Mars, Alistair (3 items)
Marshall, Thomas, (Marlbeck), Limited (1 items)
Marson, Samuel (2 items)
Martin, Hood and Larkin (2 items)
Martins (1 items)
Marvel Headwear Limited (1 items)
Massechussetts Arms Company (2 items)
Masters, J., John, & Co. Limited (1 items)
Mauser (15 items)
Maw (1 items)
Maw, B., Son & Sons Limited (2 items)
Maxwell (23 items)
Maynes, George, and Company (1 items)
McCorqudale & Co Limted (1 items)
McIlherny & Co (1 items)
McNaughton (1 items)
Mewis & Company (1 items)
Meyer and Mortimer (1 items)
Mills Equipment Company Limited (4 items)
Milner, M.H. (1 items)
Ministry of Food (4 items)
Ministry of Health (3 items)
Ministry of Home Security (9 items)
Ministry of Information (2 items)
MMS (1 items)
Mole, Robert and Sons (8 items)
Moore (2 items)
Moore and Grey (1 items)
Moore, C. (1 items)
Morris, W.F. and Company (1 items)
Mortimer and Agnes (1 items)
Mortimer, H.W. & Son (2 items)
Moss Bros (1 items)
Moss Bros & Co. Limted. (1 items)
Moss Bros. & Co Limted (3 items)
Moss Brothers (1 items)
Moss Brothers and Company Limited (1 items)
Mossberg, O.F., & Sons (1 items)
Murdoch, T. (3 items)
N. A. G. Press Limited (1 items)
N.P. (2 items)
Navy League, The (1 items)
Needham and Thorp (2 items)
Newspaper Publicity Company (1 items)
Newton, E. (1 items)
Niebour, Charles (1 items)
Nock, Henry (9 items)
North (1 items)
Nunn, H.E. & Company (1 items)
Oakley, H.L. (2 items)
Ordnance Survey (26 items)
Orion (1 items)
Orme, Daniel (1 items)
Osborn (3 items)
Osborn and Gunby (4 items)
Osborn, Henry (5 items)
Osborne (1 items)
Ox Fibre Brush Company (1 items)
Oxford University Press (1 items)
Page, T. (1 items)
Paisleys Limted (1 items)
Parker Field & Sons (2 items)
Parker, A.J. (1 items)
Parr, I. (1 items)
Pashley (1 items)
Patrick, S.M. (1 items)
Pattison (2 items)
Peal & Company (8 items)
Pearce, Stephen (1 items)
Pearse, J. & B. and Co (1 items)
Pedersoli (2 items)
Peel & Company (1 items)
Perrins (1 items)
Perry, William (1 items)
Peter Jones (ILG) Limited (1 items)
Peterson, J.D (1 items)
Philip, George, and Son (4 items)
Phillips (1 items)
Phillips & Piper Limted. (1 items)
Photo Studio, The (Nairobi) (1 items)
Photochrom Co. Limted (1 items)
Pickett & Rundell (1 items)
Pillin (2 items)
Pillin, J. (1 items)
Pitman, Issac, Sir and Sons Limited (1 items)
Poole (1 items)
Poole, H. and Sons (1 items)
Poole, Henry and Company (17 items)
Post Office Telegrams (1 items)
Pound, John & Co (1 items)
Powe, Hector (2 items)
Powell, J., and Company Limited (1 items)
Pratt (gunsmith) (1 items)
Pritchett (1 items)
Prosser (5 items)
Prosser, John (1 items)
Provost (1 items)
R.E. City Limted (3 items)
Rae, John (1 items)
Raine (1 items)
Raisin (1 items)
Randall, Ernest (1 items)
Ranken and Company (3 items)
Raphael Tuck and Sons Limited (5 items)
Ravenscroft (1 items)
RB (1 items)
Read (1 items)
Read, J. (1 items)
Real Photographs Company Limited (1 items)
Record Office (1 items)
Reddel and Bate (1 items)
Reeves (1 items)
Reeves Greaves & Company (1 items)
Reeves, Charles and Company (1 items)
Reichs Commission (1 items)
Reilly, E.M. & Company (4 items)
Remington (5 items)
Remington Repeating Arms Company (4 items)
Remploy Limted (6 items)
Replica Limted (1 items)
Rheinmetall (1 items)
Richards (gunsmith) (1 items)
Richards, Albert Earnest V. (1 items)
Richards, D. (1 items)
Richards, J. (1 items)
Richards, J. & Richards, W. (1 items)
Richards, John (1 items)
Richards, T. (1 items)
Richards, Theophilus (1 items)
Richards, Westley (3 items)
Richardson (gunsmith) (4 items)
Robinson and Ensum (1 items)
Robinson, J. (1 items)
Robson, F.E. (1 items)
Robson, J.H. (1 items)
Rogers and Company (1 items)
Rogers Bros. (1 items)
Ross (4 items)
Ross Limted (1 items)
Ross Rifle Company (1 items)
Row & Son (1 items)
Rowe, Hector (1 items)
Rowntree and Company Limted (1 items)
Royal Engineers, Field Survey Company (1 items)
Royal Small Arms Factory (Enfield) (37 items)
Royal Small Arms Factory (Fazakerley) (1 items)
Royal Small Arms Factory (Pimlico) (1 items)
Royal Small Arms Factory Sparkbrook (1 items)
Rudall Carte & Co (1 items)
Ruddock, J. (1 items)
Ruhlemann, Karl (1 items)
Runkel, J.J. (3 items)
Runkell, J.J. (8 items)
Runn, S. B. (1 items)
Russel & Bromley (1 items)
Ryan & Watson (1 items)
Salter, I. (1 items)
Salter, John and Company (1 items)
Sammerhof, Frank, Limited (1 items)
Samuel Brothers (2 items)
Sanderson (10 items)
Sandon and Co. (2 items)
Saraval (1 items)
Sauer, J.P. und Sohn (1 items)
Savage Arms Company (1 items)
Saxby & Palmer (1 items)
Schering-Plough Consumer Health (1 items)
Schilling, V.C. (1 items)
Scholem, Siegfried (1 items)
School of Infantry (1 items)
Schuttelhoffer, A. & Co. (1 items)
Schwarzlose, Andreas Wilhelm (1 items)
Scott and Co (1 items)
Scott and Co. (2 items)
Scott, Alexander (1 items)
Scripture Gift Mission (1 items)
Selby, J. (2 items)
Seyntex (1 items)
Shafi, M. (2 items)
Sharp (1 items)
Sharps Rifle Manufacturing Company (2 items)
Shirley, Ralph (1 items)
Short & Mason Limted (1 items)
Showell (1 items)
Siebe Gorman & Co. Limted. (1 items)
Sigmund Pumps Co (1 items)
Silberston, L. (1 items)
Silva (2 items)
Silver (1 items)
Simpson (tailor) (2 items)
Simson & Co. (1 items)
Simson Werk (1 items)
Singlepoint (1 items)
Slater, H.M. (1 items)
Smith & Wesson (7 items)
Smith (gunsmith) (3 items)
Smith and Nephew, T.J., Limited (4 items)
Smith and Son (1 items)
Smith, James & Company (Derby) Limited (1 items)
Smith, Jas., & Son's (1 items)
Smith, T.J. and Nephew, Limited (2 items)
Smith, William (gunsmith) (1 items)
Soemmerda N.D. (1 items)
Sorby & Sons (1 items)
Soviet State Factories (1 items)
Spandau (1 items)
Staab, Lansdown & Company (Maxwell's) (1 items)
Staedtler (1 items)
Stallwood, T. & Son (2 items)
Stam, Johannes (1 items)
Stationery Services Press (1 items)
Steggles, K. (1 items)
Sterling Armaments Company (1 items)
Stevens (gunsmith) (1 items)
Stevens, J. (1 items)
Steyr (1 items)
Stocks, D. (1 items)
Strauss, G., & Sons Limted (1 items)
Streetblades (1 items)
Stringer, Ralph (4 items)
Studd & Millington (1 items)
Sturgess, R. (1 items)
Sturm, Ruger & Company (2 items)
Stutz, Wain and Company (1 items)
Sunday Graphic (1 items)
Supak Manufacturing Company Limited (1 items)
Supar Manufacturing Company Limited (1 items)
Supercraft Garments Limited (1 items)
Survey Department (1 items)
Survey of India Office (3 items)
Sutherland, R. (1 items)
Swan (1 items)
Swiss, A.H. (1 items)
Syaris Clothing (1 items)
Sykes (2 items)
T. Werner Laurie Ltd (1 items)
T.S. Limited (1 items)
Tatham and Son (1 items)
Tatham, Henry (1 items)
Teed, Richard (1 items)
Templeton, Wm. and Sons (1 items)
Terry, W. (1 items)
Tetranike Armour Systems (1 items)
The Pictorial Newspaper Company (2 items)
The War Office (18 items)
The Wireless & Electrical Trader (1 items)
Thexton & Wright Limted. (1 items)
Thexton and Wright (1 items)
Thomas (1 items)
Thomas, J. (1 items)
Thomas, S. Evelyn (4 items)
Thornton & Sons (1 items)
Thresher and Glenny (1 items)
Thurkle, Edward (6 items)
Thurkle, Francis (1 items)
Thurston (1 items)
Thwait (1 items)
Times Publishing Company Limited, The (4 items)
Tipping & Lawden (1 items)
Tokarev (1 items)
Tolley, J. & Tolley, W. (1 items)
Tooke, Cecil A., RNVR (3 items)
Tower Armoury (62 items)
Towler, John (3 items)
Townend, Effie (1 items)
Toye, Kenning and Spencer Limted (1 items)
Tranter, W. (2 items)
Trefousse (1 items)
Troughton and Simms (1 items)
Truscott, J. and Son, Limited (1 items)
Trustram Eve, A.M. (3 items)
Tula Arsenal (1 items)
Turbiaux (1 items)
Turner & Company (1 items)
Twigg (2 items)
Uncle Mike's Sidekick (1 items)
Uniformal (2 items)
Unknown (393 items)
Unwin & Rodgers (1 items)
Van Dungie (6 items)
Van Soolline, L. (1 items)
Vernon (1 items)
Vero, E.W. and Son (4 items)
Vickers (3 items)
Violette (2 items)
Vise (4 items)
W. Buckmaster and Co. (1 items)
W. Irvine & Son (1 items)
W. Ottway & Company (1 items)
W.H. Smith & Sons (1 items)
Wai Lam (1 items)
Wakefield, A. (1 items)
Walker and Brown (1 items)
Walker, R. (1 items)
Wallace, Lt-Col. (1 items)
Wallis (4 items)
Walther (1 items)
Walther, Carl (5 items)
War Damage Commission (2 items)
War Office (17 items)
Ward & Sons (1 items)
Ward Bros. (1 items)
Waterlow and Sons (2 items)
Waterlow Brothers and Layton Limited (2 items)
Watkin, R. (6 items)
Watson (gunsmith) (1 items)
Weatherill, Bernard, Limted (4 items)
Web and Son (1 items)
Webb (1 items)
Webley (6 items)
Webley & Scott Company Limited (Birmingham) (19 items)
Webley & Scott Limted (London) (3 items)
Webley & Sons (Birmingham) (1 items)
Webley & Sons (London) (1 items)
Web-Tex (1 items)
Weiss, C.H. (1 items)
Welch, Keen & Company (1 items)
Wentworths Limted (1 items)
Wet-nap (1 items)
Weyersberg, Paul & Co. (1 items)
Whitaker, E.J. & Sons Limted (2 items)
White, A.J. (1 items)
White, Antonia (1 items)
White, W.W. (1 items)
Whitehouse & Hartley (1 items)
White's (1 items)
Whitworth, R.S. (Clothiers) Limted (3 items)
Wightman (1 items)
Wilkinson Limted (3 items)
Wilkinson Sword Company Limited (3 items)
Wilkinson, Henry (22 items)
Willems, Paul (1 items)
Willey, John, DSM, CPO (1 items)
William Brendon and Son Limited (1 items)
William Stevens Limited (1 items)
Williams & Powell (1 items)
Williams, C. & Sons Limted (1 items)
Williams, Clifford & Son Limted (1 items)
Williams, Ifan (gunsmith) (2 items)
WIllkiam Stevens Limited (1 items)
Wilson (1 items)
Wilson, George (2 items)
Wilson, R. (1 items)
Winchester Repeating Arms Company (5 items)
Wireless World (2 items)
Wirsberg, Wilhem (1 items)
Wiseman, M. (1 items)
Withers and Son (2 items)
Wood & Sons (1 items)
Wood (gunsmith) (3 items)
Wood, James Wray Walgate, Lieutenant (3 items)
Woodside Laboratories (1 items)
Woolley and Company (3 items)
Woolley and Deakin (4 items)
Wright (1 items)
York Castle Museum (1 items)
York City Council (2 items)
York Equitable Industrial Society Limited (3 items)
Young (Bury) (1 items)
Young (London) (2 items)
Younge (2 items)
Zeiss, Carl (2 items)
Zentral Verlag Der NSDAP (1 items)
Aluminium (2 items)
Antler (material) (4 items)
Bakelite (2 items)
Barathea (11 items)
Bear skin (2 items)
Board (1 items)
Bone (16 items)
Boxwood (1 items)
Braid (60 items)
Brass (640 items)
Bronze (1 items)
Buff leather (3 items)
Canvas (34 items)
Card (26 items)
Card (material) (4 items)
Cardboard (19 items)
Chicken feather (1 items)
Chromium (3 items)
Copper (103 items)
Copper alloy (14 items)
Cord (1 items)
Corded silk (2 items)
Cork (7 items)
Cotton (336 items)
Cotton (corded) (2 items)
Cotton drill (13 items)
Cotton twill (33 items)
Cow horn (3 items)
Crepe (1 items)
Elastic (10 items)
Enamel (2 items)
Fabric (13 items)
Feather (3 items)
Felt (25 items)
Flint (rock) (29 items)
Foam (2 items)
Fur (36 items)
Fur/horsehair (1 items)
Gilt metal (20 items)
Glass (8 items)
Gold coloured metal (2 items)
Gold lace (5 items)
Hair (2 items)
Hessian (3 items)
Horn (21 items)
Horse hair (11 items)
Iron (material) (17 items)
Ivory (4 items)
Kevlar (2 items)
Lead (140 items)
Leather (763 items)
Linen (30 items)
Linen cloth (1 items)
Material (4 items)
Metal (574 items)
Metal alloy (43 items)
Moiré (7 items)
Mother-of-pearl (1 items)
Net (1 items)
Nickel plated steel (2 items)
Nylon (8 items)
Oak (1 items)
Paper (458 items)
Paper (coated) (1 items)
Papier-mâché (1 items)
Perspex (2 items)
Plastic (81 items)
Polyester (1 items)
Polyester cotton (2 items)
Rayon (6 items)
Rayon satin (2 items)
Rope (1 items)
Rubber (7 items)
Satin (13 items)
Serge (90 items)
Seyntex (1 items)
Sheepskin (4 items)
Silk (213 items)
Silk (corded) (11 items)
Silk cloth (4 items)
Silk twill (1 items)
Silver (15 items)
Silver lace (4 items)
Sponge (1 items)
Stainless steel (3 items)
Steel (1116 items)
Stoneware (1 items)
Straw (1 items)
String (1 items)
Suede (4 items)
Synthetic rubberised cotton (1 items)
Textile (16 items)
Thread (metallic) (9 items)
Tin (material) (27 items)
Tinned steel (1 items)
Towelling (1 items)
Unknown (1 items)
Velvet (14 items)
Vinyl (2 items)
Wax (2 items)
Webbing (129 items)
White metal (7 items)
White metal alloy (2 items)
Wood (492 items)
Wool (546 items)
Wool twill (2 items)
Worsted (7 items)
Production year(s)
Start year
No selection
1000 AD (1 items)
1280 AD (1 items)
1400 AD (2 items)
1420 AD (1 items)
1430 AD (2 items)
1450 AD (3 items)
1460 AD (3 items)
1470 AD (7 items)
1480 AD (5 items)
1490 AD (1 items)
1500 AD (41 items)
1515 AD (6 items)
1520 AD (10 items)
1530 AD (9 items)
1540 AD (6 items)
1550 AD (24 items)
1560 AD (14 items)
1565 AD (1 items)
1570 AD (1 items)
1580 AD (14 items)
1590 AD (2 items)
1600 AD (43 items)
1603 AD (4 items)
1610 AD (7 items)
1620 AD (134 items)
1625 AD (1 items)
1628 AD (2 items)
1629 AD (2 items)
1630 AD (54 items)
1640 AD (23 items)
1645 AD (1 items)
1648 AD (1 items)
1650 AD (24 items)
1660 AD (20 items)
1680 AD (16 items)
1687 AD (2 items)
1700 AD (63 items)
1710 AD (1 items)
1715 AD (116 items)
1716 AD (1 items)
1720 AD (7 items)
1730 AD (2 items)
1731 AD (5 items)
1740 AD (27 items)
1745 AD (10 items)
1750 AD (40 items)
1755 AD (7 items)
1758 AD (1 items)
1760 AD (19 items)
1762 AD (2 items)
1770 AD (8 items)
1779 AD (1 items)
1780 AD (19 items)
1790 AD (22 items)
1792 AD (15 items)
1793 AD (2 items)
1794 AD (1 items)
1795 AD (2 items)
1796 AD (89 items)
1797 AD (1 items)
1798 AD (3 items)
1799 AD (1 items)
1800 AD (104 items)
1802 AD (4 items)
1803 AD (1 items)
1804 AD (2 items)
1805 AD (1 items)
1809 AD (1 items)
1810 AD (4 items)
1812 AD (1 items)
1814 AD (4 items)
1815 AD (11 items)
1816 AD (1 items)
1820 AD (29 items)
1821 AD (6 items)
1822 AD (32 items)
1824 AD (1 items)
1825 AD (1 items)
1827 AD (3 items)
1828 AD (1 items)
1830 AD (65 items)
1831 AD (2 items)
1832 AD (3 items)
1833 AD (2 items)
1834 AD (1 items)
1835 AD (1 items)
1837 AD (19 items)
1838 AD (1 items)
1839 AD (2 items)
1840 AD (106 items)
1842 AD (2 items)
1844 AD (1 items)
1845 AD (53 items)
1846 AD (5 items)
1847 AD (5 items)
1848 AD (7 items)
1850 AD (71 items)
1851 AD (1 items)
1852 AD (1 items)
1853 AD (11 items)
1855 AD (6 items)
1856 AD (28 items)
1858 AD (2 items)
1859 AD (2 items)
1860 AD (50 items)
1861 AD (2 items)
1863 AD (1 items)
1865 AD (3 items)
1866 AD (22 items)
1868 AD (5 items)
1869 AD (9 items)
1870 AD (142 items)
1871 AD (7 items)
1872 AD (6 items)
1873 AD (3 items)
1874 AD (28 items)
1875 AD (1 items)
1876 AD (5 items)
1878 AD (5 items)
1879 AD (1 items)
1880 AD (59 items)
1881 AD (36 items)
1882 AD (9 items)
1883 AD (2 items)
1884 AD (1 items)
1885 AD (11 items)
1886 AD (7 items)
1887 AD (1 items)
1888 AD (16 items)
1889 AD (2 items)
1890 AD (140 items)
1891 AD (3 items)
1892 AD (1 items)
1895 AD (17 items)
1896 AD (5 items)
1897 AD (4 items)
1898 AD (21 items)
1899 AD (21 items)
1900 AD (85 items)
1901 AD (83 items)
1902 AD (107 items)
1903 AD (13 items)
1904 AD (15 items)
1905 AD (3 items)
1906 AD (3 items)
1907 AD (20 items)
1908 AD (34 items)
1909 AD (13 items)
1910 AD (34 items)
1911 AD (12 items)
1912 AD (35 items)
1913 AD (13 items)
1914 AD (265 items)
1915 AD (93 items)
1916 AD (78 items)
1917 AD (85 items)
1918 AD (89 items)
1919 AD (22 items)
1920 AD (52 items)
1921 AD (8 items)
1923 AD (2 items)
1924 AD (9 items)
1925 AD (4 items)
1927 AD (3 items)
1928 AD (1 items)
1929 AD (4 items)
1930 AD (35 items)
1931 AD (2 items)
1932 AD (3 items)
1933 AD (21 items)
1934 AD (2 items)
1935 AD (8 items)
1936 AD (12 items)
1937 AD (75 items)
1938 AD (50 items)
1939 AD (139 items)
1940 AD (70 items)
1941 AD (33 items)
1942 AD (57 items)
1943 AD (51 items)
1944 AD (43 items)
1945 AD (43 items)
1946 AD (13 items)
1947 AD (3 items)
1948 AD (3 items)
1949 AD (16 items)
1950 AD (59 items)
1951 AD (12 items)
1952 AD (52 items)
1953 AD (6 items)
1954 AD (7 items)
1955 AD (3 items)
1956 AD (4 items)
1957 AD (5 items)
1958 AD (12 items)
1959 AD (1 items)
1960 AD (13 items)
1962 AD (1 items)
1963 AD (2 items)
1964 AD (7 items)
1965 AD (7 items)
1966 AD (1 items)
1969 AD (4 items)
1970 AD (11 items)
1971 AD (2 items)
1972 AD (5 items)
1974 AD (3 items)
1978 AD (5 items)
1979 AD (1 items)
1980 AD (43 items)
1983 AD (5 items)
1984 AD (1 items)
1985 AD (11 items)
1986 AD (1 items)
1988 AD (1 items)
1990 AD (46 items)
1991 AD (1 items)
1993 AD (14 items)
1995 AD (4 items)
1996 AD (1 items)
1997 AD (1 items)
1998 AD (1 items)
2000 AD (4 items)
2004 AD (1 items)
2005 AD (1 items)
2009 AD (1 items)
End year
No selection
1400 AD (1 items)
1460 AD (1 items)
1480 AD (1 items)
1490 AD (2 items)
1500 AD (7 items)
1510 AD (1 items)
1520 AD (5 items)
1540 AD (2 items)
1550 AD (19 items)
1560 AD (8 items)
1570 AD (6 items)
1580 AD (8 items)
1590 AD (7 items)
1600 AD (38 items)
1610 AD (3 items)
1620 AD (14 items)
1630 AD (6 items)
1640 AD (29 items)
1649 AD (5 items)
1650 AD (118 items)
1660 AD (9 items)
1670 AD (31 items)
1680 AD (20 items)
1688 AD (2 items)
1690 AD (32 items)
1699 AD (1 items)
1700 AD (28 items)
1710 AD (14 items)
1720 AD (16 items)
1730 AD (6 items)
1740 AD (18 items)
1750 AD (107 items)
1760 AD (6 items)
1762 AD (2 items)
1770 AD (1 items)
1780 AD (41 items)
1784 AD (8 items)
1790 AD (8 items)
1793 AD (1 items)
1796 AD (1 items)
1799 AD (1 items)
1800 AD (42 items)
1802 AD (1 items)
1804 AD (1 items)
1805 AD (2 items)
1808 AD (1 items)
1809 AD (1 items)
1810 AD (2 items)
1813 AD (1 items)
1814 AD (19 items)
1815 AD (7 items)
1820 AD (51 items)
1822 AD (1 items)
1825 AD (24 items)
1827 AD (1 items)
1828 AD (2 items)
1830 AD (68 items)
1833 AD (1 items)
1834 AD (1 items)
1837 AD (1 items)
1838 AD (1 items)
1840 AD (11 items)
1845 AD (5 items)
1846 AD (6 items)
1847 AD (1 items)
1850 AD (45 items)
1851 AD (3 items)
1852 AD (1 items)
1853 AD (32 items)
1854 AD (3 items)
1855 AD (6 items)
1856 AD (1 items)
1858 AD (1 items)
1859 AD (1 items)
1860 AD (67 items)
1861 AD (3 items)
1865 AD (2 items)
1866 AD (3 items)
1869 AD (1 items)
1870 AD (36 items)
1871 AD (6 items)
1872 AD (1 items)
1873 AD (2 items)
1875 AD (16 items)
1876 AD (1 items)
1878 AD (3 items)
1879 AD (8 items)
1880 AD (68 items)
1881 AD (7 items)
1882 AD (2 items)
1883 AD (1 items)
1885 AD (1 items)
1886 AD (1 items)
1887 AD (6 items)
1889 AD (6 items)
1890 AD (59 items)
1891 AD (1 items)
1892 AD (1 items)
1894 AD (1 items)
1895 AD (5 items)
1897 AD (4 items)
1898 AD (4 items)
1899 AD (19 items)
1900 AD (186 items)
1901 AD (51 items)
1902 AD (48 items)
1903 AD (4 items)
1904 AD (3 items)
1905 AD (5 items)
1906 AD (4 items)
1907 AD (1 items)
1908 AD (19 items)
1909 AD (5 items)
1910 AD (37 items)
1911 AD (6 items)
1912 AD (30 items)
1913 AD (8 items)
1914 AD (141 items)
1915 AD (92 items)
1916 AD (60 items)
1917 AD (85 items)
1918 AD (358 items)
1919 AD (47 items)
1920 AD (94 items)
1921 AD (10 items)
1922 AD (2 items)
1923 AD (2 items)
1924 AD (2 items)
1925 AD (7 items)
1927 AD (1 items)
1928 AD (5 items)
1929 AD (3 items)
1930 AD (53 items)
1931 AD (6 items)
1932 AD (3 items)
1933 AD (8 items)
1935 AD (42 items)
1936 AD (14 items)
1937 AD (23 items)
1938 AD (21 items)
1939 AD (129 items)
1940 AD (182 items)
1941 AD (25 items)
1942 AD (28 items)
1943 AD (46 items)
1944 AD (33 items)
1945 AD (284 items)
1946 AD (16 items)
1947 AD (1 items)
1948 AD (7 items)
1949 AD (22 items)
1950 AD (96 items)
1951 AD (6 items)
1952 AD (37 items)
1953 AD (7 items)
1954 AD (17 items)
1955 AD (21 items)
1956 AD (5 items)
1957 AD (6 items)
1958 AD (9 items)
1959 AD (27 items)
1960 AD (61 items)
1963 AD (2 items)
1965 AD (93 items)
1966 AD (4 items)
1968 AD (4 items)
1969 AD (14 items)
1970 AD (158 items)
1971 AD (2 items)
1972 AD (1 items)
1974 AD (3 items)
1975 AD (4 items)
1977 AD (3 items)
1979 AD (3 items)
1980 AD (17 items)
1983 AD (1 items)
1985 AD (27 items)
1989 AD (7 items)
1990 AD (20 items)
1991 AD (2 items)
1992 AD (2 items)
1993 AD (9 items)
1995 AD (18 items)
1996 AD (1 items)
1997 AD (1 items)
1998 AD (64 items)
1999 AD (3 items)
2001 AD (22 items)
2002 AD (15 items)
2003 AD (8 items)
2004 AD (9 items)
2005 AD (13 items)
2007 AD (1 items)
2008 AD (30 items)
2009 AD (1 items)
2010 AD (1 items)
Only items with images
All items
Clear refinements
Results (6838)
Brown Bess Musket
Watkin, R.
1740 AD – 1800 AD
1790 AD – 1830 AD
Percussion Carbine
Tower Armoury
1844 AD – 1870 AD
Flintlock Carbine
Tower Armoury
1805 AD – 1840 AD
Infantry Hanger
Deakin, Francis
1750 AD – 1825 AD
YORCM : CA1085
Salter, John and Company
1827 AD – 1846 AD
YORCM : CA1098.a-b
Small Sword
Ede and Son
1840 AD – 1930 AD
YORCM : CA1106
1830 AD – 1901 AD
YORCM : CA1130
Court Sword
1750 AD – 1820 AD
YORCM : CA1132
1830 AD – 1870 AD
YORCM : CA1133
1830 AD – 1870 AD
YORCM : CA1161
Reproduction Sword
1560 AD – 1620 AD
YORCM : CA1189
Light Cavalry Officer's Sword 1821 Pattern
1822 AD – 1930 AD
YORCM : CA1296
1280 AD – 1400 AD
YORCM : CA1304.a-b
1800 AD – 1870 AD
YORCM : CA1305
1890 AD – 1902 AD
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